Archive for May 11, 2014

Easy Vegan Recipes


the Hunt for Truth


What is Bloggers for Peace?Simple is best when beginning anything. So, today, I’ll give you a simple practice for making the most of every moment. This technique comes from Thich Nhat Hanh. Use this practice for a month — if you are low on energy or if you are lacking sometimes in concentration, you will notice a substantial difference — or if this sort of practice is entirely new to you. 

Thich Nhat Hanh is one of the world’s leading teachers of mindfulness and meditation. He claims that life is available only in the here and the now; it is our true home.

Thich Nhat Hanh’s mindfulness meditation is simple and isn’t at all religious.


I’ll summarize his most basic teaching here. 

Thich presents mindfulness (here and the now) living as a practice of five simple steps that you can use in just about very moment of your day.

1) Mindful Breathing
2) Concentration

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Photo by Dr. Jaime Pujals

I am most honored Eric! Thank you, Madeleine

the Hunt for Truth


Thank you

Madeleine Maya!

I am so happy to have this beautiful award
a third time and to be sharing it again.


I have more kind bloggers in my followings than I ever dreamed. The bloggers on my list (below) have done a kindness for me and/or for others or for bloggers using reblog or giving encouragements and by posting helpful information to the community at their blogs. Today, I want honor kind bloggers and also honor and thank Madeleine Maya. Madeleine‘s blog is one of my favorites here at WordPress that provides re-blogs and I follow these often to treasures… and … she has a collection of quotes, images and short posts that I hope everyone will get chance to view. Madeleine has a Masters in Psychology, a Specialization in Family Therapy and a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology. I am fotunate to have found her blog… hope you to will find…

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words and music and stories

Let's recollect our emotions in tranquillity


Analyse own life


Welcome to Simons Blog where I like to share my favourite images with you

Rubies Corner's Blog

Sharing Christ, Paintings, and Life Experiences.

Sparkling Words

Connecting Inner voice to External World

Gradina Magica

Fii schimbarea pe care vrei sa o vezi in lume!

Golu lodhi

I upload photos & videos Golu lodhi village pairakhedi


Adventures in Watercolor Painting and Sketching, Watercolour Magazine, with Charlie O'Shields

Happily Lover

Happily Ever After


Travel teaches you about the world!

Andy Walker Art

Painting and sketching - ideas, inspiration and practical help to improve your art.

My Life In Pencils & Paint

Art by Dwayne Wolff

Craig Ford’s Fine-Art Blog

A multi-disciplinary, pop-art post-modern artist

Poems, stories, paintings and more by Sharmishtha Basu

(Agnijaat, Agnishatdal, Agnijashatadalama, Indie Adda)

Shristy Singh

Adding Creativity Through Brush...........

Roth Poetry

Poetry From the Heart!

Edge of Humanity Magazine

An Independent Nondiscriminatory Platform With No Religious, Political, Financial, or Social Affiliations - FOUNDED 2014